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Yongin Valentine
Corea del Sud
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
1 double bed & 1 double bed
Couple PC Twin - Hard Drive-Less Couple PC, Double and Single (OTT)
Twin - Double Single (OTT)
2 single beds
Special Room
Couple PC Twin - Hard Drive-Less Couple PC, Double and Single (OTT) (5 hour use only)
Superior PC room
Special room - massage, styler, air purifier, 65-inch smart TV, OTT (4 hour use only)
Standard Room - Hard Drive-Less 1PC, 55-inch Smart TV (OTT) (4 hour use only)
Couple PC (styler available) (6 hour use only)
Standard Room - 55-inch Smart TV (OTT) (4 hour use only)
Yongin Valentine
Yongin-si, Corea del Sud
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